Monthly Archives: November 2011

An observation at the coffee shop

What this has to do with my writing I don’t know other than one of my favorite places to write is a coffeeshop – despite the buzz of activity going on around I find it a soothing enviroment where I can concentrate (plus there is no “Mom…Mom…Mom…”).  But I digress…

I went to my favorite coffee shop, Coffeesmiths, to get something to soothe my basketball wounds (did I mention every muscle is on fire?).  Since the store moved, I now frequent the kiosk drivethru on First Avenue next to Taco Bell.  As normal, I drove up to the window, waited my turn, checked my phone, checked into FourSquare and quickly message-chated with my husband.  The barista is the normal guy I see there every afternoon I stop by.  We chatted – mentioned my sorrow about the White Zombie being gone, he assured me they still had it and offered to make me one – I told him I needed something a little stronger and ordered a large chocolate candy cane cooler (Coffeesmith’s version of a Frappicino).  I zoned for a bit then turned to watch. 

As many well know, I have a little bit of a coffee shop addiction (I can hear the laughter now).  I have met a lot of baristas in that time and gotten to know a few – hey, even one of my best friends was once a barista.  No one compared to this guy.  He took so much care preparing the perfect drink – it was a art form.  Watching this guy at work was like watching an artist working on a creation.  I was in awe.  And it tastes wonderful.

I wanted to tip him an extra buck for his work (I try to tip well at Coffeesmiths – it is my thank you to them for giving me my first book reading).  I figured I’d get in trouble if I did.  But I will be back…maybe for that White Zombie next time.


I’ve been distracted lately and finding myself not getting any typing, writing or drawing done.
Pocket Frogs.  I have a sick addiction to Pocket Frogs on my phone.  I’m thinking about deleting it off my phone so I can actually get things done.  Maybe after my rare frogs mature…

America Reads Day

Three weeks ago I had the honor to read to three Kindergarten classes at Hoover School in Cedar Rapids.  I took Alex (dresses as Penelope of course).

Admittedly I have had my doubts that I could make writing my permanent profession – I am not at the level of great authors like Judy Blume, JK Rowling, and the like.  That experience changed my mind.

After reading to the first class the teacher asked if they had any questions.  One little guy raised his hand.  When I called on him he responded, “I really loved that book.”  Nearly all his classmates immediately raised their hands and then competed on how much more they loved it.

The next two classes followed suit – along with asking if Penelope could talk.  We proved she could – she answered questions of her own.

It was an incredible experience I am so glad I took part in. 🙂

What’s New?

So I mentioned that there is a few projects in the works…

Peculiar has a sequel!  The text is finished – I haven’t done any illustrating yet (but I do have a “model” for the main character).  The story involves a finicky fairy named Fiona…stay tuned to learn more!

I also have the text and two illustrations done for a children’s book about Sunday School teachers and what they teach.  The kids at Good Shephered inspired me. 🙂

And as I mentioned before there is a novel in the works – a romance.  However those take a little longer than the children’s books to finish.  It’s easier to write two pages that 200!

But what has slowed all these down to becoming reality? 

I have taken my time away from writing and illustrating and put it towards finding an agent or big house publisher.  I love everyone I have ever interacted with as I promoted The Peculiar Princess…even those people who were essentially rude.  Every experience was a stepping stone to this point.  However, little old me can’t market to every point in the United States by myself (not without quitting the job that pays the mortgage).  Plus, I would rather devote my time to what I am good at (writing and drawing) than spend it doing something I’m not great at (promoting).

I have put queries out for The Peculiar Princess and My Sunday School Teacher Tells Me.  I haven’t had anyone scoop either up yet.  Still hoping and praying that I’ll get the call soon but in the meantime I’ll be heading back to the drawing board to get another book published on CreateSpace.

Famous Last Words

I find it amazing how many time in my life I’ve been told something and thought “Whatever” and it comes to pass.
Like “You should be a teacher”.  My response was “I don’t like kids”.  Nearly 20 years later I am a mom, youth track coach, and children’s author.  Oops! – Should have listened!
Another one sticking in my mind right now is a writing college professor that told us just how much research goes into writing.  I hadn’t planned on writing historical fiction – just how much research could there be?
It’ll be a while before I get my novel done.  Sixteen pages in I have found I will be relearning what I know on the war in Northern Ireland, possibly making an appointment with the INS…
It will be interesting.

New Beginnings

For those of you who read my previous blog – I’ve replaced it.  It was never updated.  Whatever I had to say I said on Facebook – and who wants redundancy?
I am writing this blog specifically with my hopes and dreams of being an author in mind.  It’s my goal to make both of my worlds (hopefully!) co-habitate in one blog.
As many of my friends know I am not just a children’s author – I am a novelist as well…romance to be specific.  My rationale?  I love being a children’s author because I am a mother.  But I couldn’t have been a mother without a little romance…(and Brian, of course!)
I hope to keep this professional and personal.  Professional – I want to let you all know what is upcoming for each work published (at this point just Peculiar) and all the new stories coming down the pipeline (and there are a bunch!).
Personal – I will probably share the ramblings that go on in my mind concerning my writings.  I promise not to share too many of the Adventures of Super Mom (unless of course I can’t help it…like how Alex, dressed up as a witch, put a curse on Jake and his whole family, forgeting she is his sister!).
Welcome to my new blog.  I hope to keep you entertained, informed – and maybe let you know a little more about me. 🙂